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The President of the American Association for Physician Leadership shares his experiences as a trauma surgeon and why it is essential that all physician learn the habits of leadership.
A prominent expert on evidence-based lifestyle medicine shares surprising facts behind why the American diet is the leading cause of death among Americans — and what we can do to make food work for us.
A journalist explores the power of “social prescriptions” — when health workers to prescribe community resources and activities such as art classes and swimming lessons — in improving our social, psychological, and physical health.
A bioethicist discusses the dark side of personalized medicine and uses personal stories and his philosophical propositions in equal measure to illustrate a more hopeful path forward.
A health psychologist discusses how our minds and bodies deal with the myriad struggles of everyday life, offering a compassionate perspective on resilience, courage, and self-awareness.
A neuroscientist discusses cryonics and the science of life extension — along the way exploring whether there is an “ideal” lifespan, the neurological basis of human identity, and what ultimately gives life meaning.
A biomedical researcher describes what it was like to watch her mother succumb to rapidly progressive dementia due to prion disease, and her race to discover a cure for this mysterious entity — before it begins to afflict herself as well.
A noted civil rights lawyer and federal judge discusses how he has navigated both his legal career and personal life as a blind individual, along the way championing voting rights, educational equality, and disability rights.
A psychologist and pioneer in addiction medicine discusses how addiction transforms the mind and the redemptive power of social connection in helping patients recover.
A physician-turned-sociologist and Director of the Human Nature Lab at Yale University discusses how behaviors and health outcomes spread through social networks and why he believes society is wired for goodness.
An acclaimed journalist explores the cognitive, social, ethical, and philosophical implications of our increasing reliance on digital technologies and why limiting their encroachment on our lives may be essential to our wellbeing.
The director of the medical humanities program at Yale Medicine shares how creative writing sharpens the minds of clinicians and how she teaches storytelling to capture the most beautiful devastating, and meaningful moments in medicine.
A hospitalist and author opens up about what it was like to struggle through the COVID-19 pandemic — and find moments of humanity — not only as a frontline clinician and healthcare leader, but also as a father and husband.
A cardiologist, Chair of Medicine at Stanford University Medical Center, and a pioneer in precision medicine shares his vision for a future of medicine fueled by powerful genomic data and artificial intelligence, while grounded in the human touch.
A trauma surgeon and gun violence prevention advocate discusses how a harrowing incident when he was shot in the throat as a teenager has subsequently shaped his values on life and his approach to treating victims of firearm injury.
A journalist-turned-palliative care physician shares how we can make sense of our finite existence, why love and loss are inextricably linked, and how our memories can honor those who pass away.
A neurologist and bestselling author discusses the intricate relationship between our diet, lifestyle, and brain health — and how he navigates the often-messy and conflicting findings within nutrition science.
A theologian and Director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture shares insights from faith traditions around the world on living an intentional, fulfilling, interconnected, and meaningful life.
A pathogen preparedness expert shares what excites her about managing infectious disease outbreaks and what we can learn from the challenges and triumphs of society during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The director of inpatient palliative care at Columbia University Medical Center shares his remarkable journey from training as a general surgeon in Japan to becoming an expert in serious illness conversations in the United States.
A physician and founder of Impossible Foods — a leading producer of plant-based meats — shares how he hopes to inspire a cultural shift towards more sustainable eating habits and ensure a healthier planet for future generations.
A clinical psychologist discusses the immense — and frequently overlooked — emotional and psychological toll of caring for patients with dementia, and what human dignity means when personal identity is eroded in the face of dementia.
A former Director of the CDC and former Health Commissioner of New York City shares stories of triumphs and challenges from his diverse career, from pioneering the ban on indoor smoking in America to drastically cutting rates of tuberculosis worldwide.
A health psychologist shares how she addresses intergenerational trauma in her patients and what all clinicians can learn from integrating trauma-informed care into their practices.
The founder of the African Center for Research on End-of-Life Care shares how witnessing the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda during his early years drove him into a career in medicine and how the philosophy of “ubuntu” shapes his palliative care work.
A philosopher discusses the nature of grief and mourning and shares how grief helps us better understand our identities, values, relationships, and responsibilities to other people — both living and deceased.
In this live podcast event, the hosts are joined by a palliative care physician and pediatric neurosurgeon to explore the nature of suffering, the role of spiritual faith in medicine, and the balance between personal and professional fulfillment.
A leading neuroscientist shares why he believes free will does not exist, how society would be a more just and humane place without free will, and what human happiness and flourishing would mean in this world.
A psychiatrist shares how he reconciles evolution with his spirituality and what an evolutionary understanding of our human nature can teach us about purpose and meaning in life.
An oncologist shares his perspective on resilience, grace, and hope in the face of suffering — as the son of a cancer patient, as a cancer patient himself, and as a father of a child with an inherited predisposition to cancer.